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哈哈 原來A-Rod也像個普通人一樣阿, 進產房會昏倒, 怕看醫生, 
而且追求女生的方式......嗯....這麼樸實, 當時應該跟Jeter多學學的 XD 噗哧 
然後A-Rod老婆也好玩... but what does he really do? 哈哈


A-Rod's wife says slugger passed out at 1st daughter's birth

NEW YORK - Alex Rodriguez passed out during the birth of his first daughter.

"The one nurse had a cold cloth on his head. The other nurse had the blood
pressure on his arm. And my mother was like rubbing his back. And he is
passed out on a couch. And I am there, in the middle of labor," Cynthia
Rodriguez, wife of the New York Yankees star, said on an episode of the YES
Network's "YESterdays" that is scheduled to be broadcast Wednesday night.

"And really, I am not being paid much attention to besides the doctor and a
couple of nurses," she said. "And he is there moaning. In between pushing, I
am going, `Honey, are you OK?' and `Are you breathing? Are you OK?' "

Natasha Alexander Rodriguez was born on Nov. 18, 2004.

"As tough and big as he seems, he is real wimpy around doctors or any type of
medical situation," Cynthia Rodriguez said, according to excerpts released
Tuesday by YES. "I don't know why I thought the birth of our child would be
different. In the middle of the night, I realized that I needed to go to the
hospital. I wake him up. The first thing that comes out of his mouth, `Can we
call your mother?' ... A few hours later, I said, `I think you can call my
mom now.' Uh, and the color came back to his face when I told him he could
call my mom."

A-Rod traveled from New York last week and arrived at a Miami-area hospital
about 10 minutes after the birth of his second daughter, Ella Alexander
Rodriguez, on April 21.

Alex and Cynthia met in 1996 at a gym in Miami.

"I scouted her out for a month," he said. "I wanted to see her routine, and I
wanted to see what time she came in, see how consistent she was. And sure
enough, she was like a machine. She would come in right after work, and get
on the treadmill and do her abs. And finally, I build enough courage after
about 3 1/2 weeks. And I said, `I know you are going to go do some abs after.
And do you mind if I join you?"

Cynthia said she was unaware of his celebrity status at first.

"I know he played baseball, because everybody in the gym said, `Do you know
who that is? And he plays baseball' or whatever," she said. "I didn't grow up
in a sports-oriented family. So, I wasn't aware that you could have an entire
livelihood off of a sport. So when they would say, `Oh, he plays baseball,' I
always think, `Oh, I wonder what else he does' — like `that's a nice hobby —
 but what does he really do?"

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很高興合約的事情搞定, 只是怎麼還是 yankee > _ <
這樣根本就看不到他回 SS了....唉~~~~~~


The New York Yankees announced today they have signed third baseman Alex
Rodriguez, three-time American League Most Valuable Player, to a 10-year

 According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the only player to hit more
 home runs for the Yankees over a four-season span was Babe Ruth, whose highest
 four-year total was 209 from 1927-30.Over the last 10 seasons (1998-2007), no
 Major Leaguer has hit more home runs, recorded more RBI or scored more runs
 than Rodriguez (454,1,275,1,241).
 He is also the only player in Major League history to reach 35HR, 100
runs and 100 RBI in 10 consecutive seasons (1998-2007).


Breaking down A-Rod’s new deal

Here’s a breakdown of Alex Rodriguez’s new contract:

Signing bonus: $2 million now, $1 million every Jan. 15 from 2009-13, $3
million on Jan. 15, 2014. Total of $10 million.

2008: $27 million
2009: $32 million
2010: $32 million
2011: $31 million
2012: $29 million
2013: $28 million
2014: $25 million
2015: $21 million
2016: $20 million
2017: $20 million

HR bonus: $6 million for tying Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry
Bonds. $6 million for setting the all-time record.

Total guaranteed salary: $275 million.

With bonus payments: $305 million.

所以是十年 $275M
加上 bonus 就是 $305M
A-Rod加油阿, 要看著你打破MLB的紀錄呢 ^^

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然後他與 Babe Ruth的幾乎平行

真是滿有趣的圖表 ^^

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http://tinyurl.com/ypnr3q (SI.com)

A-Rod to opt out of contract
Boras notifies Yankees of client's free-agent wishes


希望到可以回SS的球隊, 那才是最有價值的!!!


哼~~~也不想想A-Rod可沒有對不起 NYY
一年也才拿16M, 卻每天都被當小狗一樣酸一樣罵
都忘了沒有 A-Rod, NYY今年有可能由後面追上拿外卡進入季後賽嗎?
也早就忘記2005年要不是 A-Rod, 洋基連續進季後賽的紀錄早就斷啦

這種鬼地方, 早離開早好啦

再說, 在NYY 他永遠都不能回最愛的SS

所以, 快點到可以守SS的球隊啦!!!

反正, 洋基還有個Betemit可以取代嘛, 也沒差到哪阿
反正, 季賽一條龍,季後一條蟲嘛
反正, 沒簽他, 就可以花大錢簽山大王
反正, 沒有A-Rod, 洋基還是有很多大炮
反正, 沒有他, 洋基以前還不是照進季後賽

所以, A-Rod就別待在有這類球迷的地方吧

趕快去別隊, 然後棒打洋基, 那就大快人心啦 ^_____^
對啦, 我就是幼稚啦 XD

洋基如果真的像 Cashman說的

你無法期待 Posada往後都有今年的成績
那就期待 Giambi恢復, 
然後, 內野的守備.....科科

吼吼, 真是精采, 比世界大賽還精采啦 XD

不過, 這只是剛開始 
說不定最後還是回到洋基 Orz 我不太希望啦

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昨天看到了一絲希望, 結果今天就破滅了   Orz

小王一開始狀況與第一場其實就滿像的, 然後第二局上半還是一樣, 心裡就想著不妙了. 結果第二局沒有解決一個人次就下場去, 真是糟糕...季後賽連續兩場了, 也難怪會成為媒體批的對象之一.....

牛棚方面今天其實還OK, 有名的放火王竟然沒有放火, 真是不正常 XD 結果Mo劇場又把人嚇出一身冷汗  囧  

打擊是這系列最大的問題. 鑽石打線這幾年到季後賽就成了便秘打線, 實在很糟糕. A-Rod 終於轟出全壘打也拿到一分打點 orz 不過最可惜的還是滿壘一出局, Jeter 擊出的DP那真是把洋基反攻的氣勢澆熄一半, 就與第一廠或是第二場的第五局 Posada 的情況一模一樣, 真的很傷. 

但是, 總的來說, 這個球季可以走到這裡其實已經偷笑了. 季初落後到14場的差距, 一度排名東區最後, 在明星賽前誰要是掛保證洋基會進季後賽可能會笑掉人家大牙, 結果明星賽後球員硬是把戰績往上衝, 真的很讓人感動 Q___Q

只是這樣的陣容, 尤其是牛棚, 要晉級到 ALCS 甚至是世界大賽都是讓人覺得困難重重. 先發投手的穩定度不足, 只有二個比較穩 (結果小王就爆炸兩場 囧), 牛棚可以信賴的只有 Joba 和 Mo (Mo還三不五十會演出劇場嚇一嚇球迷) 整個投手的問題比較大. 派派已經說了 Torre 如果不在他也不在, 所以明年要看到他不太可能了, 火箭人也是....那麼洋基還得找個真正的Ace來, 趕快去搶山大王比較實際, 幾個新秀投手也都還不錯, 麻煩讓 Joba 回到先發, 牛棚也是要整頓整頓, 刊用的沒幾個, 看到都會一直抖.........

打線方面則是炮管不夠. 一個球季下來, 可以保護 A-Rod 的不多, 第五棒的適合人選一直都找不到. 而本季打擊發飆的 Posada 到九月之後開始了低潮, 松井也是. Giambi傷後復出的表現也實在讓人沒有多大信心, 

一壘人滿滿滿. 外野手也是. Melky 守備還不錯, 不過判斷球的落點等等還是有點問題, 而且打擊.......Damon 季末到這個系列賽證明了自己, 只是臂力很囧, 到底要怎麼選擇呢?  

Mo/Posada/Damon/Abreu 都是約到了, 要不要續約, 續約價碼都是要考慮, 更何況還有 A-Rod 的問題. 

A-Rod去哪我去哪啦, 只是希望能看到他回到 SS守備, 那才是他真正的價值所在阿~~~在洋基守三壘有點埋沒他的天賦 >"<

輸了也不是太難過了, 畢竟期待本就沒有很高. 明年再加油就是. 

nomaas 狂酸 Jeter+Torre XD

墓碑那個真的是有賤到, 不過也很有創意 XDDD

好啦, 因為終於不是 A-Rod 被酸了  噗~

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對比季初的囧境, 誰會想到這支球隊現在可以進入季後賽? 明星賽前如果有人說洋基肯定進入季後賽, 除了球員教練以及球迷之外, 大概會被其他人笑死吧 orz 

但是明星賽後, 他們保持著將近七成的勝率慢慢的拉近外卡與紅襪的差距, 讓球迷看見了晉級季後賽的曙光. 這些都是球員們努力的成果阿. 想到他們如何走過之前的媒體砲轟就替這些球員感到驕傲!!!

季後賽繼續加油!!! 再重演一次 1978的逆轉吧 ^^

http://tinyurl.com/2xoqxd - 賽後報導
當中有 Torre/A-Rod/Mo/Pettitte 的訪問
大家都是場面話高手 XDDDD

http://tinyurl.com/yramar - A-Rod 的訪問

http://tinyurl.com/yqtww9 - Jeter 的訪問

http://tinyurl.com/3a2msw - Mike & Mad Dog 談論 A-Rod明年的status

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NY Times 的報導


Alex and Victor Rodriguez Are Worlds Apart 

Published: September 4, 2007 

Very few people call him V-Rod. Hardly anyone does, actually. Those who use that nickname with Lt. Col. Victor M. Rodriguez do so cautiously.

“They do it in a very respectful way,” Rodriguez said. “They find the right occasion and the right context.”

Rodriguez is a decorated officer in the Air Force who is expected to be promoted to colonel in December. He oversees the requirements on more than $10 billion in new weapons programs. He comes across as polite, disciplined and meticulous. He is also Alex Rodriguez’s half brother.

While Alex wears a pinstriped uniform for the Yankees and pursues a playoff berth and another Most Valuable Player award, Victor wears a camouflage uniform at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Va., and manages munitions policies.

After nearly four seasons in New York, even the most trivial details of Alex Rodriguez’s life have become known to fans. The nickname A-Rod has become a common part of the baseball vernacular. And yet the fact that he has an older half brother with a significant role in the United States military is not widely known, nor is the fact that they have established a relationship after not seeing each other for 23 years.

As chief of conventional munitions for the Air Combat Command, Victor Rodriguez said it was his job to make sure that the standards for the production and allotment of munitions were consistent, a job that ultimately helps position the weaponry in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Alex Rodriguez said, “If you put my career against his career, I think what he’s been able to do in his career is far more impressive.”

But Victor Rodriguez, playing the compliment game as well as Alex, said that his half brother was “made of steel” and that he could not withstand the pressure that he endures while trying to succeed in the pressurized cauldron that comes with being a Yankee.

“I’m really the reflection of the people I have worked with,” Victor, 47, said. “People have essentially loaned me their backs so I could climb.”

Sitting in an empty lunch room on the sprawling Langley base last month, Victor Rodriguez, who has expressive brown eyes and tightly cropped black hair on the sides of his head, spoke in the same cadence as his far more famous half brother, who is 15 years younger. The men share the same father, but they do not look much alike. They do have similar mannerisms.

When they answer questions, they usually ponder them before responding. Words are chosen carefully. If they provide animated answers, they tend to lean forward. Alex Rodriguez said Victor Sr., their 78-year-old father, whom both sons have been estranged from for long stretches of their lives, is even more circumspect than the two half brothers.

For Alex and Victor, the effort to build a relationship began when they met at a game in Texas in August 2003, when Alex was playing for the Texas Rangers.

“Unfortunately, our life paths went different ways,” Alex said of their long separation until that point.

Considering their age gap, and the fact that they were raised in different families, the separation seems understandable. Victor Rodriguez owns bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and industrial technology and a master’s degree in human-resource management. He was commissioned an officer in the Air Force in 1986 after beginning his military career in the Marine Corps. He has been stationed in Turkey, Egypt, Italy and Germany, and has done military work in Saudi Arabia. And he has been cited for using CPR to revive a military colleague’s son who was convulsing.

Married, with four children, he is discreet in describing his military responsibilities, which have not included front-line combat. But Cynthia Rodriguez, Alex’s wife, said Mona Rodriguez, Victor’s wife, told her that Victor sometimes “gets up in the middle of the night, says goodbye to her and she can’t ask where he’s going.”

Alex Rodriguez, meanwhile, can usually be found at third base, where he is having one of the best seasons of his remarkable career. Still, he was heavily booed by Yankees fans a year ago, when he struggled, and he could opt to leave the Yankees as a free agent after this season.

Victor Rodriguez, who stopped playing baseball when he was 17, laughed and said he had no clue where Alex would play next season.

“How is that for a politically correct answer?” he said. 

For most of Alex Rodriguez’s life, he knew only two half siblings, Joe and Suzy, who were from his mother’s first marriage. Alex heard his family mention a half brother named Victor, but he did not remember him. That is not surprising; Victor Rodriguez was already in the military by the time Alex was in kindergarten.

In a telephone interview, Victor Sr. said that he was married to Pouppe Martinez for six years and that they had a son, Victor, in 1960. One year later, they were divorced. Victor Sr. then married Lourdes Navarro, who already had two children, and together they had Alex in 1975.

Victor Rodriguez said he did remember Alex as a boy. But he joined the Marines when he was 18, beginning a long odyssey, including 12 years overseas, during which the brothers never saw each other.

It was around 1991, Victor said, when his father told him that Alex had become a standout high school baseball player. Then Victor and his father went five years without speaking. There were no more updates about Alex the athlete.

After Victor and his father did reconnect, he said he learned for the first time that Alex was playing for the Seattle Mariners.

“The desire was always there and the wish was always there to see him,” Victor said. “As I tell folks, we lost a lot of time. We’re making up for some of it the best that we can.”

Their reunion came while Victor Rodriguez was stationed in Abilene, Tex. He bought tickets to a Rangers game, with no intentions of approaching Alex. But Victor said Alex and Cynthia heard from Victor Sr. that Victor would be at the game, so they invited him and his family to be their guests.

“You know how people say, ‘You were walking on clouds’?” Victor said. “When I saw Alex after so many years, I felt that way.”

Alex said he was initially apprehensive about meeting Victor, but those feelings quickly abated.

“When you have a common denominator of the same father and you see that you have similarities, you’re looking in a mirror and you’re going, Oh, man, that’s kind of freaky,” Alex said.

On a gray afternoon last week, Victor swiftly strode across the Langley base, exchanging a salute with every officer that walked past him. Victor was a billboard of Air Force enthusiasm, at one point saying, “I can’t believe they actually pay me for doing this.”

Because he was recently transferred to Langley from Italy, he is still putting names with faces. But that did not stop him from happily referring to people as “ma’am” or “fella” and putting smiles on people’s faces.

His office is big and open and looks like an airplane hangar. It has cubicles for dozens of officers and even has inert display missiles.

Several months ago, the half brothers discussed a plan in which Alex and some Yankee teammates would visit American troops stationed in Afghanistan after the season. Alex envisioned getting off a plane in his Yankees uniform to answer questions, sign autographs and play baseball with the soldiers.

Alex said his brother told him it might be too dangerous to attempt, although Victor did not rule out the possibility.

“We will see,” Victor said.

If the Yankees reach the World Series, Victor Rodriguez will find a way to be there. Once the season is over, Alex Rodriguez has told his wife he wants to spend a day at Langley, if for no other reason than to see other officers saluting Victor.

“I want to get to his base and watch him work,” Alex said. “He’s come to my work and watched me play.”

For now, the two half brothers check in with each other a few times a month. They have different lives, with contrasting demands. But after a 23-year gap, they also have each other. 

隔了23年再重逢相見, 好漫長阿~~~

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投手大爆炸, 炸的分數比打線打回來的還多, 這要怎麼贏阿 orz

但是, 幸好 A-Rod 打了雙響, 哈哈哈  果然是要有人追才會趕進度阿 XD
這兩支分別是這一場比賽 A-Rod 第一次上來打擊還有最後一次上來打擊所擊出的 ^^
只是很可惜的是, 兩次上來都是壘上無人 orz 不過第42支可是九局上打出來的喔, 本季第九局的打擊率實在是恐怖阿~~~

這兩支也把本季全壘打數推進到第42支了, 稍微與小胖王子拉開一些些. 生涯則是累積到506支 ^^ 落後前面的 Thomas 兩支, 繼續加油~~~

http://tinyurl.com/3bxljx - 本場雙響的影片

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日期: 2007年8月4日  在A-Rod的32歲又8天的時候.....................
苦主: Davies


一局下半, 1/2壘有人, A-Rod 上場打擊, 結果他一揮棒, 就看到全場觀眾都站起來, 再電視機前面的我也很住一球的落點, 想說到底是界內還是界外, A-Rod自己也很緊張的打完就先站著看, 等到確定界內了, 他真的打出生涯第500支全壘打, 才高興的高舉雙手, 我當時可是確定知道界內的時候, 整個腦袋有空白一秒鐘, 然後就眼眶含淚了 T___T

我的媽阿, 那一刻真的好感動好感動, 有種活生生見證到歷史的感覺, 就像以前人看到 Ruth 在球場上的英姿一樣, 我真的看到了棒球歷史的一部分 Q__Q

http://tinyurl.com/2kfldv - 500轟之官網影片
看 A-Rod開心的咧 ^^ 
只是Royals 的 Davies 真是辛苦了, 以後幾十年都會被提起阿~~~

http://tinyurl.com/2mlgtc - 賽後訪問

最年輕之400轟與500轟紀錄保持者 - Alex Rodriguez!!!

請繼續保持健康, 創造出 A-Rod 障礙吧 :)

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據說 Rangers 開出 Melky/Kennedy + Clippard + Marquis/Gardner 
然後 Cashman 不願意就沒啦

其實就是 Rangers 想要先發 prospects+外野手. 洋基不肯放一些 top prospect, 然後農場裡面能看的外野也沒幾人. 而目前 Melky 走了, 誰能頂替他上場? 不是說他現階段是多麼重要或是怎樣, 只是在 Damon 處於低潮, 開季到現在偏向 DH居多之下, 是讓 Kevin Thompson 頂替 Melky的位置嘛? Melky 防守到也是中規中矩, 打擊也還在可接受的範圍內, 所以就目前來說, 洋基也似乎不太有本錢把他交易走.

所以就是陷入兩難啦, 而且 Cashman也低估了紅襪想交易的決心, 所以就是這樣的結果囉...

但是話說回來, 把一個有愛的天天P換走, 這樣對牛棚可用的人又少一個了, 而且感覺上, 就感覺啦, 天天P這兩年被 Torre 過度的溺愛之下, 使用率偏高阿, 真不忍心 >"< 下一個受到溺愛的會是誰? 個人猜測是 LV...

不過不贊成球隊把 Joba 先當成牛棚使用, 明明農場有一堆可用的 RP, 幹嘛不用阿? 
不過洋基的重點是, 把人叫上來如果不會用的話也只是溫板凳而已, 還是要有愛才行阿...............

祝福 Proctor 在道奇好好發揮吧 :)

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去年在最後一刻來了 Abreu, 今年呢???
傳聞洋基想要 Eric Gagne, 但是代價是要付出誰咧???

洋基牛彭這幾天丟了近十分的分數, 實在是太強了 = = 本來以六月底到七月這段時間來看, LV當 set up 事不錯的樣子, 而他的表現也確實比起四/五月的時候要好很多.  結果這幾場不曉得怎麼回事, 又出現不穩定的狀態, 這對於連接先發與 closer 之間是個很大的問題, 因為洋基先發能夠吃到七/八局以上的不多, 所以也才有想交易來 Gagne 的傳言. 只是要 Gagne, 得付出多少代價阿?

一般預料 Rangers 會要求要 prospect, 洋基有很多投手的 prospect, 只是 OF 的只有一個人.......不過洋基也說了, Joba Chamberlain, Ian Kennedy, 還有 Alan Horne 是不賣的. 前面兩個是如此啦, 只是不曉得 Horne 的非賣準則能不能堅持到最後............

而且 Mo 昨天接受 Kay 的訪問也說了希望球隊找個 set up man 來, 這代給球隊的壓力不曉得會不會大到最後就亂了? 

In an interview with Michael Kay on ESPN Radio in New York yesterday, Rivera
made it clear that he wanted the Yankees to bolster the bullpen, which lights
up radar guns but ranks last in the American League in strikeouts.

“We need help in the bullpen,” Rivera said. “Velocity doesn’t mean that
you’re going to do the job. Throwing hard doesn’t necessarily mean you’re
going to get it done.”

Mo 的這段話不知道有沒有暗指 Farnsworth orz 
說到 Farns, NY Times 這篇報導也說洋基也想交易掉 Farns, 不過不會是老虎就是了. 然後 NY Post 的 George King 還寫一篇文章描述 Farnsworth 與 Posada 之間的...嗯...小爭執 - 就是小王先發那一場, Posada 本來配的是不曉得啥球種, 結果 Farnsworth 不曉得是沒看好還是手不聽使喚, 投出的球種不是配的球, 然後球擦過 Posada 手套, 掉出來, 造成捕逸, Posada 當時回頭看了一下, 有可能是看一壘跑者, 也有可能是瞪 farns 啦, 不過鏡頭上看不出那麼多. 總之 George King 就拿來做文章............

很怪的是 Farnsworth 今年真的與去年差很多. 去年有球速, 而且還沒有這麼抖, 雖然也是容易上演劇場, 但是往往三振率也不錯. 但是今年三振數掉的太多了, 球容易被打出去, 劇場根本是一上來就會上演, 控球也走樣, 這樣的落差實在是很詭異, 也不知道問題出在哪...........

另外, Proctor 也是傳言會被交易的一個. 這兩年滿好用的他, 今年可能是因為過度被使用吧, 穩定性大不如前了, 這得怪 Torre >"< 領先也派他, 落後也派他, 好像牛棚沒人一樣, Proctor 真的是有可憐啦 T__T

以上消息來自 NY Times:


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八局上半二好三壞之後, 從Meche手中敲出一支二分全壘打 ^^ 本季第35支, 也是生涯的第499支!!!


一直很愛 A-Rod的揮棒姿勢, 真是超級流暢又優美的 :)

現在已經是美國時間 7/27, 也是 A-Rod的32歲生日 ^^

Let's go A-Rod!!!

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美國時間其實是明天啦, 不過這裡是台灣阿
就先說聲 生日快樂!!!


George Brett: A-Rod 'Best I've Ever Seen'         

這篇說的真是太好了  ^___^


然後就是, 可憐的井川 orz
其實他除了第二局爆了四分之外, 其他局都投的不差, 問題真是不曉得出在哪?
他往往都可以拿到兩好球, 球數領先, 可是就很怪的是又很少能一次就順利解決打者, 都要經過幾番掙扎, 然後就是K, 要不然就是滿球數BB, 或是被轟長打, 好怪, 不知道問題出在哪? 
他投球又不覺得差, 今天一開始球都可以壓的邊邊角角, 也可以壓低. 但是只要主審一不撿這類球, 他的球就開始高了, 然後又要開始練心臟. 真的是很怪又詭異..............

但是身為五號先發, 我不認為他是真的有到很差的地步. 一堆人拿他的薪水作文章, 問題是洋基找他來本來就沒有要他當前面三號吧? 以一個五號來說其實也不是太濫, 不需要把他說的很濫啦. 更何況他一來就上了大聯盟, 不只要是應大聯盟還要適應一個新環境, 或許有人會說那怎麼松坂就沒有這問題或是沒這麼嚴重? 這個...就牽涉到每個人的個性與適應能力, 有些人幾乎不需要啥適應期, 有些人就是需要一段短時間的適應, 但是有一些人可能就要花上更久的時間了, 井川說不定就是屬於需要很久的時間. 
總之, 希望叫連團與井川好好找出問題所在, 明年讓大家耳目一新吧    

leadoff double或是 leadoff single 怎樣就是回不來 orz

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吼~~~這一場真是不枉費我犧牲睡眠而且不顧隔天要上班而熬夜看阿, 哈哈

看到第四局下半, 洋基得10分之後, 其實就想睡覺了, 可是又想看 A-Rod打擊, 所以就一直撐著, 果然撐是對的 XD A-Rod沒有讓我失望阿~~~

果然就在第六局下半, 一人在壘, 一人出局的情況下, 輕輕一揮, 球就飛出場外了, A-Rod本季第34轟出現, 生涯498支出盧 ^^


距離500轟越來越近了, 加油加油 ^^

這一場看到後來真的替魔鬼魚投手感到慘, 整個防守也突然就歡樂起來, 魔鬼魚教練也很無奈阿. 自家投手也不知道怎麼了就是壓不住...真的很不忍心.
不過也這樣到最後 Torre 乾脆取消DH, 讓Duncan守一壘, Philips守三壘, 連Henn 這沒有愛的投手都讓他上去投也去打擊了, 真的是頗歡樂的一場比賽.

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